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  • What is a pupfluencer?
    A pupfluencer is a dog account on Instagram with a pack of followers. Whether you have 1 or 1M followers, if you have an active dog account on Instagram, you are in fact a pupfluencer. If you haven't met your dog Instagram growth goals yet, stick around! On this site, we share our dog Instagram secrets and knowledge to help fellow accounts build a pack of their own.
  • Why should I start an Instagram account for my dog?
    If you're dog Instagram curious, let this be a sign that yes, you should start an Instagram account for your dog! There is a thriving dog Instagram community, with thousands of people with the same goal as you: to share your one-of-a-kind, precious pet with the world. There's room for us all to have online success, and I'm thrilled you made it to my site, where I'll be here to guide you along your dog Instagram journey. Managing any online presence does take time, skills (that anyone can learn!) and consistency. The world needs more canine joy, so if you haven't already, I strongly suggest you start an Instagram account for your dog!
  • How do I make my dog Instagram famous?
    You've come to the right place! Growing a following on Instagram - or any other social media platform - does take time and energy, but it 100% is possible for anyone to become Instagram famous. Whether as a person, a business or yes, even a four legged best friend. Step one is to start! If you're here, you're already ahead of the game and in the right place. Every week, we send out a weekly email dog newsletter full of tips, tricks and trends to help you grow your dog Instagram account. We also post useful information on how to become Instagram famous in our dog instagram blog that also includes practical tips for modern, busy professional dog parents. We're all in this together, and learning every day. If you're willing to do the work, you can make your dog an Instagram star.
  • Who is The Nelski Pack?
    The humans behind the scenes are Megan and Alex, a dog-loving couple living in the Pacific Northwest. And the pupfluencers of the family are Shadow and Peaches, with two energetic, fun-loving Siberian Huskies. Three years ago, we started an Instagram account for Shadow when he was a puppy and we were living in Chicago. The primary purpose was to share one-off puppy pictures with our friends and family more efficiently. Who doesn't want to see a ridiculously fluffy, goofy puppy?? What started as a "when we have time" account, soon turned into a passion project we spend time every day nurturing. After growing to a following of 50K+ organically, we've learned a thing or two about Instagram, what works and what doesn't. And we're thrilled to share our secrets, insights and learnings with fellow dog loving content creators. The world simply needs more joy only the slobbery smile of a dog can bring, and we gladly will help that happen by sharing our knowledge with you.
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