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Housebreaking 101: How to Get Dog Pee Out of Carpet

It happens to all of us. You are in the midst of training your puppy where to pee, diligently taking them out to their pee area every 2-3 hours (depending on their age), and are treating them each time.

After a few days of no pees inside and you’re starting to think that you’re on the path to no longer cleaning up pee in your home.

And then, while walking to fill up your dog’s food, your foot hits a wet spot and you know that you’ll need to get a stain out of the carpet.

We have now housebroken two Siberian Huskies, so we completely understand your pain.

Some of our initial go-to treatments for Shadow and initially dealing with Peaches’ accidents were urine destroying products from Nature’s Miracle (not sponsored, but open to it).

Recently, we found a homemade recipe that seems to do the trick for carpet cleaning even better than Nature’s Miracle.

Below is a step-by-step to treating the pee stains in your carpet getting rid of the smell and stain permanently:

1. Clean the stain with a towel.

This may not seem like a revolutionary step, but if the pee is fresh and/or the area is still wet, take a clean towel and dab (avoid scrubbing!) to absorb as much moisture as possible.

2. Use a vinegar-based solution to clean the stain.

For the next phase of the project, you will want to create a solution that is ½ water and ½ vinegar.

For example, if you’re creating a solution that is 4 cups total, you’ll want to add in two cups of water followed by two cups of vinegar in a bowl using a measuring cup to get the correct quantities.

After the solution is made, pour over enough to completely cover the stain and lightly rub in the solution with a clean towel. After that is done, let the area dry.

3. Remove the smell using baking soda.

There will be a smell to the stain and you will want to ensure you get rid of it. Do this by applying baking soda to the spot treated with the solution. Let the baking soda sit for 24 hours for the smell to fully deodorize.

4. Use a final cleaning solution of hydrogen peroxide and dish detergent.

From here, you want to use one part hydrogen peroxide, one part water and then two to three squirts of dish detergent in another mixing bowl to use a final solution. Once this final cleaning solution is made, pour it over the baking soda and gently scrub the stain.

5. Finally, vacuum!

Once you have completed the entire cleaning solution process, vacuum the area fully dry and admire the now cleaned and urine-free carpet.

We cannot guarantee that this cleaning process will prevent your four-legged furriend from creating more accidents, but it is an effective way to deal with the inevitable pees you will get during housebreaking.

Whatever you do, don’t get down about the process and always remember that your little puppy will one day be accident-free as long as you keep up your training and teach them that your bedroom is not their bathroom.



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