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What You Need to Know about Reels for Dog Instagram Influencers or Aspiring Influencers

If you want to get more followers and engagement on Instagram, you’re going to have to start making Reels.

If you’re new to Reels or video content in general, it can be confusing and overwhelming. But I’m here to help you understand what this Instagram feature is and how you can get started getting on the “small screen.”

Why? Well, if you’re not making and sharing video content, you’re leaving a massive growth opportunity on the table.

This guide lays out everything you need to know to get started on Reels as a dog Instagram account. Let’s get started!

Your Guide to Reels Table of Contents:

Overview of Reels: What is this Reel-y all about?

Reels are a new way to create and share short-form (meaning 15- to 30-second) videos on Instagram.

This feature was launched in August 2020 as a way to compete with the explosive popularity of TikTok, a short-form video-sharing app.

Primarily, Reels are here to add a new type of entertaining content to the suite of Instagram features.

Here are some key things to know about the Reels feature as you get started:

  • They’re short-form video content users create and share in full 9:16 portrait mode (i.e., vertical; think of it as a cell phone cinema).

  • They can be from 3–30 seconds in length.

  • They can be filmed directly within the Reels camera and/or uploaded from your camera roll on your phone.

  • They can be filmed as one full take or a series of video clips stitched together.

  • They’re mobile-only, and they can only be uploaded on mobile devices.

Where to Find Reels on Instagram

If you’ve been on the app at all since last fall, you probably have noticed an increase in video content and have been consuming Reel content whether you knew it or not.

You can tell a post is a Reel by seeing the small clapper board/slate board icon in the bottom left or top right of the post.

There are four ways to find and discover Reels on Instagram:

  1. The new Reels tab in the middle of the bottom toolbar

  2. While scrolling your feed, you will see Reels other users have posted (again look for that icon)

  3. While on the Explore page (when you click on the magnifying glass icon in the bottom toolbar)

  4. By clicking on the Reels tab on individual users’ profiles

As far as using Reels, it helps to know in your mind where this feature fits into the Instagram feature mix.

Think of Reels as somewhere in-between Stories and Instagram TV (IGTV).

Reels are informal, timely, and fun like Stories, and similar to IGTV in that they tell a story, just in a lot less time. Best of both worlds!

Why You Should be Using Reels

Even if you’ve never filmed or edited a video before, I strongly suggest you start! Whenever Instagram launches a new feature, they push it hard. Reels are no exception.

Pupfluencer Pro Tip: An easy way to get more eyes on your content and into more new people’s feeds is to be an early adopter whenever a new feature is launched.

Instagram is promoting this feature to get more people to use it. If you start making Reels, there’s a higher chance your Reels content will make it to the Explore page (where people not currently following you might see your post and want to follow you!).

Getting more exposure to your content and account is how you grow your reach, get more engagement (i.e., likes, comments, saves, and shares), and build your community or pack!

For example, we very quickly started making Reels and Instagram rewarded us.

Our first two reels, which were pretty simple (holding baby Peaches as Simba and documenting Peaches and Shadow’s first walk) both received more than 100K+ views! We were blown away at that level of exposure on our first two attempts.

And shortly after, we had our first viral Reel, The Evolution of a Siberian Husky, with 700K views, 73K+ likes and countless reshares on feature accounts!

I say this not to humblebrag, but to share how Reels can quickly help your account grow.

Benefits of Using Reels

What I personally love about Reels is that it’s not about being pawfect or creating professional quality edited videos. It seems the Reels going viral are doing so because they are REAL.

At first, I was all thumbs trying to figure out how the heck to make a Reel, but now I LOVE making and watching Reels. It’s more fun and less pressure than agonizing over making our feed “perfect” since everyone is learning as they go.

And from my personal experience, I’ve found Reels that I’ve actually spent a lot of time on creating were some of the ones that have performed the worst. So keep in mind, the more authentic and simple, the better.

This also allows you to be more creative and share a more authentic side of your dog with your followers.

Finally, Reels helps you become an even better content creator. Video is so hot right now across social media and it’s not going anywhere. The only way you’ll learn this skill is to practice. And now is the perfect time to dabble in video creation.

Reels Best Practices: How to Hook Your Audience

I won’t go into the mechanics of how to create a Reel step-by-step (stay tuned for a future post on this!), but as you start to play around with the feature, keep these key points in mind.

  • Focus on originality and fun over the quality of your videos. When in doubt, make it REAL.

  • Craft a compelling short caption with a call to action, and use relevant hashtags (similar to a regular feed post) to increase visibility.

  • Include closed captioning if you’re including a voiceover as not everyone watches with sound and this is more inclusive and accessible

  • Reply to every comment posted to your reel. Chances are these people leaving comments aren’t current followers, but they could become one! Make sure to always build relationships with current and potential followers.

  • Share your Reel to your feed and reshare to your Stories for maximum visibility. When you create a Reel, you’ll have the option to post to your feed, Story, or just the Reel tab of your profile. Posting to your feed will get the most exposure.

  • If you’re hoping to go viral and get exposure to new people, make sure your profile is set to Public. If you have a private account, only your current, approved followers will be able to see your Reel.

As you start making reels, I’d suggest thinking of each new Reel as an experiment. Try different types of videos on different types of content or trends, see what gets the most views and engagement and then replicate what’s working.

Don’t worry if your Reels get low engagement. Think of that as a learning opportunity or what doesn’t resonate with your following. Use it as motivation to think of new and different types of videos.


If you’re looking for a way to quickly grow your dog Instagram account, Reels is your new best friend. Video content isn’t going away so it’s time to learn some new skills!

Go out there and start filming and sharing your amazing video content, and remember to make it fun. Set a goal for yourself of creating at least ONE Reel a week and see how it goes.

Lastly, when you do post Reels, track its performance and learn by doing.

That’s a wrap on Reels for today. Let me know what questions you may have by posting below.


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